Official's Portal


The Official's Portal, with the exception of this page, produces the same content as is accessed by the general public. It is meant to provide quick access and well-framed reference to content that is more condensed and that this audience will find to be most relevant.

As community representatives, government leaders and overseers and protectors of our citizens and their quality of life, your role is is absolutely key in restoring our rights and, along with it, the health and prosperity of the community and its people.

For those in the chair of civil servent, it will be beneficial to focus on four aspects of this problem:

  • The nature and magnitude of sonic assault
  • Sonic assault 's relationship to crime
  • The way that sonic assault affects decent taxpaying citizens
  • How sonic assault must be dealt with

Let's look at each of these aspects.

The nature and magnitude of sonic assault

The Problems page provides a quick rundown of a couple of negative situations caused by boom car noise. It is not an exhaustive list, and the problem is truly so convoluted that one must, at minimum, scour most of this entire site to get an inkling of its far-reaching affects.

President Bush felt telemarketing calls were so intrusive in our lives that he made a way for us to avoid them. Boom car noise not only invades us at our supper hour, but at our lunch hour, breakfast hour, nap time, relaxation time, intimacy time, bed time, etc., and with a far worse ferocity and a much more stressful effect. Worse yet, unlike a telemarketer whom we could hang up on, or avoid for an hour simply turning the telephone ringer off, boom cars invade not only our homes, but our very bodies from blocks away -- and there is no off/on switch to prevent such an occurance.

We have laws that punish the infiltration of any other unwelcome stimulus into our lives, bodies and homes. We need protection from offenders who invade our homes and get away with thumping on our chest until we are thoroughly aggravated. This is truly a form of assault.

Sonic assault's relationship to crime

The Department of Justice's Community Oriented Policing (COPS) series on Loud Car Stereos alludes to the relationship between HI/LF car stereos and crime. As time goes on, research is gathered, and documented cases are shared, we are finding that the relationship is far greater than previously imagined.

New York City Mayor Bloomberg, whose quote is provided at the top of this page, has discovered through his Operation Silent Nights campaign that the criminal personality loves this anti-social medium of HI/LF noise so much, that they use it to announce their presence. As of August 2005, Operation Silent Night sweeps have resulted in over 5,500 noise summonses, nearly 5,000 felony arrests and over 15,000 misdemeanor arrests.

Proactive enforcement is a huge win for society. By shooting fish in a barrel, larger crimes are decreased by concentrating on the (seemingly) smaller ones, citizens get relief, officials take a big win, generation Y gets an overdue date with authority, the health benefits are untold, neighborhoods stop losing value, and the city can afford more police from the resultant fines. We have seen it played out over and over in the news. The more you research, the more documentation you will find that backs this phenomenon.

How sonic assault effects people

Good and decent people have had their quality of life absolutely stripped from them. They are dismayed, angered, depressed, and entirely fed up. Hundreds of thousands of good and innocent people are forced against their will into enduring a sensation that is often so agonizing that people become physically and mentally sick. This is sonic harassment.

Otherwise law-abiding folks have felt they needed to result to physical violence to fend off what is perceived to be a physical attack. In deed, that is exactly what it is. Boom car noise is an afront. It is sonic terrorism. It is being used a weapon with the full knowledge of the manufacturers and the users.

Dealing with the problem

People in villages and cities across America (and overseas) have demanded that this social pestilence be ended with swiftness and certainty. While there are still some sociopaths out there who will not get the message unless it is delivered with a baseball bat, many communities are finding largely similar ways of dealing with the problem. Find out what they are doing right.

Effectively ending this nightmare does take the conscious effort and cooperative spirit of the city fathers and law enforcement. Please help end what is nothing less than a nightmare to a vast number of people.

Other Quick References: